Monday, August 31, 2015

Journey Into Mystery

I had just returned from the echoing cocoon of SoCal.  The mother of my civilization.  The first step in my journey of infinite miles.  I had returned to the now.

I was sitting cross legged at the doorway of my mind, for the first time in my life acknowledged my ego.  Died to my ego.  Resurrected, viewed my ego from afar.  Watched it wither and die.  THe past is an illusion.  A delicate balance of fact, memory, and potential.  Now what was i to do?

After engaging in a long conversation with my brother AJ, a man who the universe placed in my now, i began the edification process thru primal struggle.  Thru Jiu Jitsu.  This not being the first time in my history, by my first time in rebirth.  Recognizing the mistakes of my past, gaining perspective on the potential of my future, and the acknowledgement of my ego, diminished in my rear view mirror.

Where the fuck do I start now?

I live in the South Bay of Northern California's Bay Area.  The Silicon Valley.  Living in the techno-squalor of the microchip's provisions as a bike mechanic.  That's bicycle, not motorcycle.  Working at a premium company, gaining a premium wage, under the formidable shadow cast by the tech companies that are the vast majority, and against the crippling odds of my homestead here.  My attempt to plunge roots in the bedrock of technocracy as an unplugged blue collar bicycle shitheel.  What the hell?  After all the bicycle came first.  Needless to say though, Money Is A Major Issue, unless i could wire together a deal doing spanglish hip-hop songs in Bud Lite commercials...

At any rate, now that it's going to happen, i just need to figure out where.  I've already plotted a couple of pins on my trial and error map.  I've already checked the heat, and it's ranged from a fingerprint searing blaze, to can't even get thru the goddam door cold front.  I'm going to start my next post (trying to roll this bitch up to speed...) with somewhere right in the middle.

Good night.  Peace.  Love.  Contentment.  Integrity.  Oneness.